

Well, we had the pleasure of waking up at 5:45 a.m. to a sad scene. Our car was broken into last night and we never heard a sound! We usually park our car in the driveway behind our house, but Seth parked his truck there instead because he was unloading mulch, bamboo cuttings, straw and wood that he picked up the from the mulch site yesterday. Nothing was stolen or even touched in the car, just a random act of vandalism, or perhaps the perpetrator got scared before he could take anything. Of course no one ever wants to deal with something like this, but it seemed ten times worse being that we had to deal with it so early on a Monday morning while trying to get to work. I filed a police report and Seth had to had to leave before I had a chance to get ready, so I walked to work. I've been trying to get some exercise in each day so walking to work is nothing new. The only problem is that today of all days this week is the only time it's predicted to rain! So I got the car covered with trash bags and a tarp and made an appointment to have the glass replaced tomorrow. We certainly weren't counting on making auto repairs this month, but I'm thankful it wasn't the windshield or back window as that would have cost a lot more. Hopefully the rest our week will be much better than our experience this morning.

I'm photographing a wedding this weekend and Seth is going to be my "assistant" since my gear is so heavy. The ceremony and reception is here in Columbia and although I think I'd be fine without Seth, it will certainly be nice to have a companion with me, just in case. As one might assume, I'm constantly on my feet when shooting a wedding and being that I'm 7 months pregnant, I'm sure to feel worn out by the end of the evening. Luckily, the reception ends at 10pm and they may not even want me to stay to the end, so it may be an earlier night than I've been expecting. We'll see. However, because of this wedding, we will miss the campout that Carrie and Kelly have planned for Saturday night. Most of our friends will be pitching tents and spending the night on the Coalier property. I'm sure there will be good food, drinks and lots of socializing around the campfire. I'm sad to miss out on it, as is Seth.

I don't think that I'll have time to post to the blog again until after this weekend is over. So, until then, enjoy your week and don't keep anything valuable in your car!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am so glad that the vandalism wasn't any worse than the car window. That can be scary and thank goodness you didn't have a car full of items. I wasn't expecting that news when I checked it but glad I did. I hope you don't get too wet while walking today - we got some rain which was a nice change - a little cooler weather and my plants are happiers. Take care this weekend and let Seth help you - don't be super woman and enjoy the help while you can. Also rest when you can and I hope you have a better week than it started out. Mom is coming up Friday and staying the whole weekend with the kids - while Brian and I go to Chicago - the first time we have gone to Chicago without kids since Alex was born. We are excited and going to try and see a couple of broadway shows and just enjoy the city without having to fill sippy cups, get snacks, fighting but will miss the hugs and kisses. Well gotta run - I have to get Alex ready for soccer at the Y. Have a great week and tell Seth hello for us.
Love - Dana