

All of these are out of order, but I know you'll enjoy them anyway! Most of these are of Logan at less than a month old.


Whoa! 13 lbs 7 oz!

Yeah, that's right. We're raising a "healthy" boy...A.K.A chunky monkey! I'm his mother, I can say that. He'll thin out, though, and be a soccer player, or a rodeo cowboy. He does this thing with his arm where he puts it up in the air and waves it around in a circle like he's about to rope a calf. Hilarious.

Here's the scoop at 2 months old:

- 13 lbs, 7 oz (remember original weight 8 lbs 2 oz) - did we mention that he likes to eat?
- 23 1/2 in long (has grown 2 in) - I think it's all in his torso
- smiles a lot, coos and is starting to make sounds resembling a laugh or giggle
- he's very active and alert and can follow well with his eyes
- passes gas (often and loud, like his dad)
- holds his head up for short periods of time
- tries to lift his head and chest while on his tummy
- likes to listen to dad play guitar
- is a good at taking baths, he doesn't cry anymore!
- rides well in the car, for the most part
- only wakes up twice in the night, most of the time
- favorite food is breast milk
- likes to watch Heros (tv show on Monday night)
- favorite color is green
- prefers Huggies over Pampers

- 90th for weight, meaning only 10% of babies his age weigh more than him
- 75th for height, meaning only 25% of babies his age are taller than him
- 50th for head circumference, meaning 50% of babies his age have a bigger head than him

I promise to get pictures ready for posting over the weekend. I thought I'd have time in the evening this week but that was wishful thinking. Going back to work is quite an adjustment but I'm handling it pretty well. The biggest adjustment is pumping breast milk. Seth stayed home with Logan this week and got a taste of what life was like for the me the past two months. Now he understands how much I'd celebrate if I was able to do more than two household chores while home with Logan. Or if I had time to bathe. Ah, parenthood. You gotta love it!



I'm baaaaack!!!

Yep, I'm back at work! And hopefully back to blogging more often. I want to give a big shout-out to Seth and thank him for keeping up with the blog while I was on maternity leave. With limited access to Internet at home I wasn't able to post, so I'm glad Seth was able to find time during his busy work schedule to get some pictures and updates on the blog. My goal is post at least once a week from now on. We really appreciate all our friends and family who check the blog so often. I know we haven't given you much to read or see lately, but that should change soon. We have tons of pictures that you haven't seen yet, I just have to narrow it down to our favorites so I don't overload the blog. Check back for pictures at the end of this week! Until then, we wish you happy days!

-rebecca, seth and logan


Photos, photos, and more photos

Here you go, Folks. Obviously, I am not nearly as dedicated at keeping this blog updated as Rebecca. However, at last there are new photos. Life remains well. Logan is growing, growing, and growing a little more! He has started to sport some little rolls on his thighs, and a very impressive Buddha belly. We are enjoying the autumn weather and have been able to get the kid out on some walks lately. We spent last weekend at the Festival of the Arts, after a fine lunch at Bangkok Gardens. Soon Logan will be able to enjoy a little tofu of his own. Enjoy the photos and thanks for visiting our blog.

Below is Logan with Uncle Travis...

Aunt Dana...

Great-Grandparents Rodriquez... (Logan is the first great-grandchild for them!)

A family portrait: Rebecca's parents, sister and grandparents and Seth's parents...oh, and Grace.