
Baby's 1st Christmas, 2007!

Actually, these first four photographs were taken on the Saturday after Thanksgiving Day at Megan and Kyle's house. I just wanted to include these before you saw the Christmas photos. Megan cooked up a turkey and fabulous pies, pictured below. It was a fabulous feast and we were thankful to be sharing it with friends. Happy Thanksgiving to all!

Lois holds Logan while Tiffany and her daughter, Flora, look on. Megan's turkey. Looks good!
PIES. FaBuLOuS pies! Homemade, mmm...
Dig IN!
Seth had the idea to use one of Logan's first baby shoes as his first ornament for the Christmas tree. I wrote his name and birthday on the sole of the shoe.
Toe lint on the bottom of his foot...
Rachel gave us handful of miniature Golden Books. I decided to turn them into tree ornaments since it was Logan's first Christmas. I thought it was appropriate to add something child-like to the tree.
Logan is enjoying the activity saucer. He can stand on his toes and turn all the way around, playing with each toy as he goes. He really likes the plastic bubble filled with liquid and glitter.
This is Logan's first attempt at tearing a gift open. He's got a good grip on that tissue paper! What could it be...?
Ah, a tower of donuts! Very colorful donuts.
Here he is sitting in his rocking chair for the first time at Grandma and Grandpa Allen's home.
Is this another present to tear into?
The Yerington children, along with Logan.
One of the twins (Dana or Gloria, help me out...) and Logan relax on the couch.
Logan giggles with delight as Alex wriggles his arms and talks to him. Alex is happy to have a boy cousin. Before we know it, Alex will be teaching him how to play baseball.
He knows Mom is behind the camera lens and poses beautifully.
The Yerington Family. Present time.
Shawna (bows) and Kate share in sibling silliness while spending time at Gloria and Charley's house.
The Yerington children pose with cousin Logan. All three wanted to hold him, so they sort-of, kind-of, did.
What handsome boys, Alex and Logan share their smiles.
Uncle Seth and Alex entertain family by playing the guitar as a team and singing together.
Logan chills in the swing at home. He can sit straight up and play with toys on his tray. He is getting better at eye-hand coordination every day.
Seth pours champagne (a birthday gift from Brad Pippen [formerly of Addison's & Sophia's]) on Christmas day to make Mimosas with orange juice. We had french toast with fruit and yogurt for breakfast.
He looks adorable sitting in his Bumbo chair.
Opening presents at home Christmas day. Logan liked the paper more than the gifts.
He did try to sample this shirt by chewing on it as I posed for the photograph.
I sat down at the computer to edit some photographs when Logan decided to sit up on his own when reclining in this chair. He is so cute!
Sitting pretty (ergh, I mean--handsome)!
He says, "Mom, come on already, how many pictures are you going to take?" Little does he know...
One second later, a smile and laugh. You gotta love it.
Bernie, Logan and Seth. My trio, napping on the couch.
Logan is sporting a new outfit, a gift from Uncle Travis. The corduroy plaid jacket and bib overalls are perfect and remind us of someone...
Here Logan says, "You're too close, Mom." I was trying to capture some movement in this series of images but all were either blurry or frozen motion. Anyway, I thought this was cute and funny.


Just you wait....

I have wonderful Christmas photos to share with everyone, along with stories of our holiday visit with family and Logan's 1st Christmas celebration! However, I'm currently at work and can't upload right now, but I plan to do that this evening. I just wanted to give you something to read until then. Okay, you've read it.

Happy Holidays and best wishes for the New Year, from The Allen's!


Another test...

Okay, it worked on the last post so now I am trying to see if I can make it bigger so the vertical pictures are easier to see.

I now plan on posting pictures in both slideshow format and some as individual pictures. For instance, the pictures in this slideshow are just several of about 50 that Seth took of me and Logan. Now that I know I can successfuly post a slideshow I would choose to show all 50 to you in a slideshow format rather than having you scroll down the website to see all of them. But when there's just a few pictures to post I'll probably just do it individually.

Just testing...

I'm just testing out a new slideshow feature. If it works, a slideshow of 5 photos should appear below!


Our 17-pounder!

Logan weighed in at 17 lbs on November 28! Believe it or not, he's slowing down on weight gain. He gained most of his weight between 2-12 weeks old. His eating habits have changed and he spacing out his meal times and doesn't take as long to nurse. He's also enjoying yelling and screaming followed by smiles and giggles. I think he likes to hear himself make noise. Sometimes he goes on and on grunting and groaning and screeching until you look at him and then he breaks into a huge grin. There's no doubt he's found his voice and knows how to use it. I think he's really amused by all the sounds he can make and he's not afraid to show off!

He's also following a better nap/sleeping schedule. I've never really kept track of exactly when he takes naps because they basically were non-existent and I didn't want to get my hopes up. He'd also wake up about 3-4 times during the night, so I never got more than 2 hours of sleep a at a time. However, when I went back to work about 7 weeks ago, things started to change (for the better, thankfully!). Now he almost always falls asleep around 9pm and will wake up at 2 or 3am for a night-time feeding. Then he'll wake again sometime around 5am so I can feed him before going to work and still have time to get ready before heading out the door at 7am. Of course on days that I don't work I don't mind if he wakes up several times in the night because I don't have to get up at any certain time. However, he usually sticks to the same sleeping schedule and we're up early no matter what day it is. As for naps, he's started to follow more of a routine with those, too. Usually he'll nap around 9 or 10am for 30-45 minutes and then take an early afternoon nap for about 2 hours (the longest of the day, woo-hoo!) and then one more nap around 5 or 6pm for about 30-45 minutes. It's nice that naps are more predictable now so I can actually get some things done around the house!

December 19 is his 4-month well-baby check-up and he'll get a second round of immunizations. It's so hard for me to see and hear him cry from the pain, but luckily it passes quickly and he's so young he won't remember. I'm anxious to hear what the doctor has to say about him developmentally. He's such an alert and attentive baby. He tries to bat at toys but he's still working on coordination--usually it's by accident that he can grab something in front of him, but he can hold on to it for quite a while. When he found his hands (meaning when he realized that the were attached to his body), he'd clasp them together, lift them up his face and stare at them cross-eyed. It was quite amusing. He's also sitting up well with assistance. He actually prefers to sit up rather than lay down and will try to lift himself up, especially when reclined in his car seat. We're also working on tummy-time for upper body strength. He usually can do a few baby push-ups and then he gets frustrated and would rather lick the floor than lift his head. Speaking of his head, he is gaining good control of that and can now face forward in the Baby Bjorn carrier. He really likes to be able to look out at everything and it's certainly good exercise for me. There's nothing like strapping a 17lb weight to your chest and walking up and down the basement steps to take care of laundry. Not to mention doing squats while trying to pick up things around the house. Soon enough I'll lose the last 10 lbs of the weight I gained during pregnancy. Carrying Logan is quite the aerobic workout!

Oh, Logan just awoke from his morning nap and is vying for attention. We'll catch up again soon!



Thanksgiving in Owasso

We spent Thanksgiving Day in Owasso with my parents and Jennifer. Jacob had to work so we weren't able to have the entire family together, but almost...perhaps next year. We arrived on Wednesday and that night Seth and I went on a date and left Logan with my parents. We went out to dinner at Zio's and thought about going to the movie theater but were pretty tired so we skipped the movie. Thursday we hung out at the house and ate the traditional holiday meal mid-afternoon. "Black" Friday we shopped at Old Navy to take advantage of the sales. We had a good trip back to Columbia that afternoon/evening but Logan was certainly ready to be home and stay for a while.

Grandfather and Grandson...
Sweet boy.
Here's Logan asleep with Grandma Nita. He's wearing his first pair of jeans (an early Christmas gift from Jennnifer). In a few weeks we probably won't need to cuff them, he grows so quickly!
Those cheeks sure look heavy!

Pull Logan's ear and he'll make this funny face.
I love this photograph of father and son.
Check out that belly!

Drool...Kisses from Aunt Jen

Family portrait


Pre-Turkey Day

Ahh, Thanksgiving. We decided to hit the road and visit both of our families for the holiday. Overall, Logan traveled really well in the car. Seth and I took turns sitting in the backseat when he needed a bottle and then we'd pull over to get him out of the seat and burp him. When we needed to stop for gas or to eat, we'd change his diaper and let him stretch a little bit before strapping him back in. Only towards the end of both trips did Logan get a little fussy and require Seth to shake a rattle non-stop for about 30-minutes. Whatever works, I guess.

We spent the weekend prior to Thanksgiving in Kahoka with Gloria and Charley, as well as Dana's and Travis' families. Taneli, the foreign exchange student who lived with them 12 years ago, was back in the states and staying with them that weekend as well. It was a full house with lots of tasty holiday food (I loved Dana's apple pie) and conviviality among family and friends. Logan was pretty accepting of everyone taking turns holding him and cooing over him. He loves the attention and is pretty alert and responsive. Next year he'll be ready to belly up to his highchair tray and try out some Thanksgiving fixins'.
