
Almost healed

These photographs were taken just one day after the first post announcing he had chickenpox. As you can see, they were all over his little body! Poor baby!

We kept his hands covered with socks for about 5-6 days. He didn't seem to mind too much as long as we kept him occupied, but I do think he was a bit confused!

After a week passed, he was doing much better and all the pox had scabbed over and were beginning to heal.

I took this photograph of him on Tuesday this week. He has a few spots on his nose and chin that might scar but hopefully they will fade over time. Just as soon as the scabs started to fall off he got a cold and is still battling it with coughing and sneezing, but no fevers, thankfully. He's been such a good little guy through all of this! He's showing more signs of seperation anxiety when Seth or I leave the room, and he wants to be held a lot, but I have no problem giving him attention!


Anonymous said...

Gosh he's just so darn cute!!

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