
Update from Seth

Greetings all,

First of all, I am posting this with Rebecca's log-in because I can't remember my password. (strangely, I remember hers...go figure) Well, our life is no less busy these days. Logan has been reaching some milestones in his life. Last week, Logan and I were playing with some toys on the floor while I was singing him a funny version of Old MacDonald and out of nowhere the boy sings E-I-E-I-O! I was stunned. I though that it had to be a coincidence. However, he said it many times that evening, as well as, the following day. Unfortunately, he has not repeated his performance many times since. Also last week, he was sitting in his crib and pulled himself up to his feet for the first time. He was real proud of his accomplishment. I was amazed again. Finally, Logan's first tooth came in last week. It looks like there are two more on their way too! What a week.

This week has not been as spectacular. Logan has a cold and is running a mild fever. Our first six months went by without Logan being ill a single day. But then came the chicken pox and now a cold. We are looking forward to healthier times. Still, he is impressing us with his skills. He learned to clap this week and is getting waving down too. Not to mention he has learned to bang on a drum made from an empty formula can. The boy plays with passion, I say.

Otherwise, Rebecca and I are well. We visited Kahoka last weekend. That was a real nice time. I hadn't seen my siblings or grandparents since Christmas time, so it was nice to catch up. It seemed all were doing well. All of us ate too much and laughed a lot. My folks were doing well too. Their greenhouse is very impressive. We were fortunate enough to get to bring a flat of perennials home with us! Now if we could only get a little Spring weather to put those plants to good use.

Despite the lack of Spring weather, our yard is starting to burst to life. Our Forsinthias are blooming, as well as 11 Daffodils. The Vinca vines are blooming too. We have a few Tulip buds and our Lilac is loaded with little buds. We have four Rhubarb stalks growing and tons of Lilly and Iris plants growing. Not to mention Lamb's Ear, Oregano, Cone Flowers, Bleeding Hearts, Sedum, Black berry vines, and various grasses are all showing growth too! Unfortunately, freezing temperatures and snow are predicted for this weekend. What a drag. Last year we got ripped off due to a late frost, I am hopeful this weather will not do much harm. Never the less, I am going to cover all the plants I can and hope for the best.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Okay - little brother - unfair to hear about all the flower blooming, etc. We have some daffodils poking up through the ground - but that is it and oh yeh - we have snow flurries today and could get up to an inch!!!! It was great seeing you, Rebecca and Logan last weekend - love ya and miss ya - your sis.