
Yep...still no news...

We're still waiting on baby to make an appearance. I am exhausted, physically and mentally and my body is telling me it's time. However, it's baby's choice, not mine, so I continue to wait...and wait...and wait. Technically, the little one isn't "due" until Monday, but really what good is that date anyway? It's just a guess, that's why it's called the EDD: estimated due date. I can go 2 weeks past the due date before our doctor will encourage and pretty much require an induction. Geez...I can't imagine waiting 2 more weeks. As much as I want this to be a natural process, I'm sure I'll be ready for some sort of intervention if it goes on that long...

I plan to spend my weekend as a mix of relaxation along with activity that might encourage labor. You know the old wives tales...vacuum, sweep, walk up and down stairs, eat spicy foods, bananas or spaghetti with lots of garlic. Perhaps I'll talk Seth into making eggplant parmigiana using a recipe that restaurant owners of Alla Scalini's, an Italian restaurant in Cobb County, Georgia, claims to induce labor. Apparently, it's all in the sauce! See here for an article on the claim from an interview with Good Morning America: http://www.wchstv.com/gmarecipes/eggplantparmigian.shtml

I noticed Seth has decided to learn how to post to the blog. Since we don't have Internet service at home, he'll be posting stuff when he's at work. Babies change so quickly, we want to keep everyone updated! We hope to get Internet service at home soon, but we have yet to decide which of two unnecessary things we will purchase just to get the service. We don't need a home phone line, nor cable, but we have to get one in order to get Internet. How frustrating...and how expensive!

Well, that's all for now. I figured I better post one last time before the weekend. It might be a little while before there's an update depending on when this baby comes. I hope everyone has a good weekend!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's Taneli from Helsinki, Finland saying hello to the world.

I got this link from Dana and have my fingers crossed for your bundle's arrival. Hope you all the best and we'll be seeing you(three) in November??


ps was I 1st to comment this blog? ΓΌ