
Good News!

Well the news is good. Logan Jules Allen was born on August 19th at 11:52 PM. He weighed 8 pounds and 2 ounces; also he was 21 1/2 inches long. The birth went well (as a by-standers opinion). Rebecca was amazing; she used no pain medication at all! I know she was hoping for a completely natural birth, but due to some leaking fluid she was induced. However, she proceeded through the rest of the process naturally. I always thought she was a little wimpy, but I will never make that assumption again!

A little history on his name... Logan happens to be my middle name, as well as my great-grandfather's name, on my Dad's side. And Jules came from the street Rebecca and I lived on in St. Joseph when we were married. I believe that the founder of St. Joseph named the original streets after his grandchildren. I still feel a little attached to Sebastian Bartholomew, but Logan Jules is a pleasant compromise.

Life at home is finding a routine. Eat, change diaper, nap, repeat. Rebecca is recovering well, and I am trying to manage work and fatherhood. It's not been a walk in the park, but nothing truly worth while is. We will be posting some photos soon, but you can use the following link to check out his mug-shot at the hospital. Thank you all for your support and interest in our family.



Anonymous said...

What's the visitor password?

Seth said...

Password = Allen