
The latest...

So what's been happening with the Allen's lately? Well, it's about time I give you an update. For those of you whom we don't communicate with on a regular basis, you might not know that I've changed jobs. I now work at Bleu Restaurant and Wine Bar in downtown Columbia. My last day with the Admissions office at MU was August 1. I was sad to leave my wonderful boss and coworkers but was very excited to do something different. This new adventure has made possible two things that I desperately wanted: more time with Logan and more time for photography. Now, instead of babysitting four kids two days a week and working in an office for the other two and a half days of the work week, I am home with Logan full-time during the weekday. I wait tables Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday nights when Seth has arranged to get off work early to stay home and care for Logan. It's so nice that we don't have to depend on the babysitting co-op anymore and can be independent in our childcare. I really enjoy spending my days with Logan and it's obvious he is benefiting from the one-on-one attention. I think it's important he interact with other kids, though, so we try to make sure that kid-friendly social outings are on our to-do list each week. 

Of those outings, one of Logan's favorites is a trip to the library. We try to go once a week or at least every two weeks to get new books for Logan. Right now he seems to favor books that have texture. About a month ago he started showing signs that he wanted to be read to. He would go to the stack of library books or books that we own, pick one out, walk to me and give me the book, then motion to sit on my lap so I could read to him. He does this on a daily basis now. Don't get me wrong, we've always read to him, but now he actually wants to listen, has a longer attention span and is starting to understand some of what we are saying. This was exemplified just the other day when Seth and Logan were hanging out. We currently have a book from the library called Tickle the Duck. The parts of the duck that you "tickle" are actually furry so toddlers can experiment with touch and texture. Logan loves this so we read this book A LOT, over and over. Now, I don't remember details of the situation, but the important part is that when Seth and Logan were playing together, Seth made reference to "tickle the duck" and upon hearing those words, Logan left the room. Where did he go? Well, to find the "Tickle the Duck" book, of course! He found it and amazed Seth by showing that he associate that phrase with that particular book!  We are just blown away by Logan's development. He is growing so fast, mentally and physically. He is no longer our little baby!

Here are some other words that Logan understands and/or can identify:
- belly button
- ear
- foot
- diaper
- cup
- fan
- block (he's becoming pretty good at stacking objects, too)
- highchair
- banana
- dog, doggie
- cat, kitty
- book
- bath
- ball
- cracker

He also understands phrases and commands, such as when we tell him it's time for a nap or time to go to his room to change his diaper (sometimes he runs away when we say the latter!).
Oh, and speaking of naps, the little man just woke up from his morning siesta so I gotta go! 

love, rebecca

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