
Thanksgiving in Owasso

We spent Thanksgiving Day in Owasso with my parents and Jennifer. Jacob had to work so we weren't able to have the entire family together, but almost...perhaps next year. We arrived on Wednesday and that night Seth and I went on a date and left Logan with my parents. We went out to dinner at Zio's and thought about going to the movie theater but were pretty tired so we skipped the movie. Thursday we hung out at the house and ate the traditional holiday meal mid-afternoon. "Black" Friday we shopped at Old Navy to take advantage of the sales. We had a good trip back to Columbia that afternoon/evening but Logan was certainly ready to be home and stay for a while.

Grandfather and Grandson...
Sweet boy.
Here's Logan asleep with Grandma Nita. He's wearing his first pair of jeans (an early Christmas gift from Jennnifer). In a few weeks we probably won't need to cuff them, he grows so quickly!
Those cheeks sure look heavy!

Pull Logan's ear and he'll make this funny face.
I love this photograph of father and son.
Check out that belly!

Drool...Kisses from Aunt Jen

Family portrait

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Rebecca - Thank you for all the pictures that you post and took at mom's over the holidays. It was a wonderful weekend and I enjoyed seeing you, Seth and of course Logan. He is a doll. The kids love seeing their pictures on our blog but would rather look at Logan - so we visit it quite regularly to see the little guy. Tell seth hello and give Logan a kiss for us - Love - Dana