
Trying something new

I've noticed that when professional photographers upload photographs to blogs they usually include some kind of border around the image and usually a logo or the name of the photographer. So I tried experimenting with this using a few images from the Allen family gathering a couple weekends ago. Because of the light background on the blog, the white border that I added doesn't really show; however, it does create more space around the photo for the default frame that blogger applies around all photographs. Feel free to let me know what you think!

For the keen observer: In the photograph below I used "R. Allen Photography" rather than just "Allen Photography". In the future, Seth's photographs will also include a personalized logo or his name or initials. He's becoming quite skilled and I certainly want to give him credit for his wonderful images.

I've already posted this image of Alex before, but I did some slight tweaking by vignetting the corners (making them darker) to draw more attention to the main subject. I did the same in the photography of the moth above, but it's not as defined.

The purpose of adding our names to the images is to discourage someone from trying to download or copy our images from the website and using them for thier own. I don't think we'll have any issues with that, but for a professional photographer it's important to protect ownership of the image.

Happy Friday!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear about your car, but am glad that the three of you are okay. I like the framing you have done around the pics, and I particularly like the moth. Looks like you had a great time with your family in Missouri. It's comforting to know that you are surrounded by loving family - mom