
On August 19th...

...we celebrated Logan's 1st birthday!!!



A year ago today I was sitting at home with Seth, staring at Logan in awe. We read so many books and articles on pregnancy and birthing, we hired a dula to coach us through the labor and delivery, we listened to and digested what the doctor, friends and family had to say about health and personal experience...so, obviously, we were prepared--RIGHT? Uh, no, at least not for what comes after birth--BUT, man, has it been fun! Logan is such a big boy now--no longer our little baby. He's toddling all over the place, climbing, babbling and dancing.  In the past year our "spirited" toddler (did I mention we had a boy--a boy who in every way exemplifies rough and tumble, loud, high energy and strong opinions) has learned, exhibited, experimented, and grown in so many ways. Here's a review of some of his accomplishments:

- smiles
- waves
- claps
- rolls over
- sits up
- crawls
- WALKS (oh my gosh, it's super adorable to see him waddle around--his stance is that of a cowboy who's been on a horse for 10 days straight)
- self feeds with fingers, fork and spoon (if we put the food on the utensil for him)
- drinks from a sippy cup
- says a few words (ie. "nana" for banana) and of course "ma ma" and "da da" for the correct person
- dances
- stacks blocks
- imitates talking on the phone
- initiates and understands peek-a-boo
- wrestles
- brushes his teeth (well, chews on the brush at least, and gets upset if we don't include him when we brush our teeth)
- puts objects in containers and takes them out
- understands that an object is still there even if it is covered up
- can put lids or tops on appropriate objects
- KISSES! It's cute, he actually puckers his lips and makes the "smacking" kiss sound
- understands (although does not always follow) simple requests/commands such as "Sit down, please" and "Come here"

I'm sure there's more--heck every day he amazes us by doing something new. I am so proud to be a mother and we look forward to each day with Logan and all the happiness and challenges he brings to our family. And believe me, there's certainly more happiness than the latter.



Quick Update

Hi all! I'm making this quick, but wanted to let you know that lots of things are changing in the Allen household! More details to come at the end of this week. We are finally getting Internet service hooked up on the 15th. That said, look for a new and improved blog experience in the near future! I'll be able to post on a more regular basis and you'll get to see more of our cute son!

love, rebecca

p.s. He's starting to walk...!